New Hair Forum! is proud to announce we are partnering with the newest hair forum. ClipperBoard!

Its moderators are comprised of some good people in our family, and its adim has agreed to partner with us. By request of the admin, we have recruited Heather, thats right Heather, to be a moderator. That's right she will be a member on the board! We are extremely excited about this. Is she one of us? Well she did have a lot of fun at her shoot, and loves the short hair.

We are still taking the enteries for the vacation of a lifetime to come shave some ladies. Two months to go!

By request, of the admin, we are pleased to announce we will be entering contributors to the forum into a randomizer to select one lucky winner for a year's subscription. These might be the last contests we host for a while, so get those enteries in!

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